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Compartmentalizing, Good or Bad

Updated: May 3

First let’s define compartmentalizing. Webster’s, aka Google or wikipedia says it is Compartmentalization. It is a form of psychological defense mechanism in which thoughts and feelings that seem to conflict are kept separated or isolated from each other in the mind. [1] It may be a form of mild dissociation; example scenarios that suggest compartmentalization include acting in an isolated moment in a way that logically defies one’s own moral code, or dividing one’s unpleasant work duties from one’s desires to relax.[2] Its purpose is to avoid cognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves.

Compartmentalization allows these conflicting ideas to co-exist by inhibiting direct or explicit acknowledgement and interaction between separate compartmentalized self-states.[3]. APA defines it this way: compartmentalization as

n. a defense mechanism in which thoughts and feelings that seem to conflict or to be incompatible are isolated from each other in separate and apparently impermeable psychic compartments. In the classical psychoanalytic tradition, compartmentalization emerges in response to fragmentation of the ego, which ideally should be able to tolerate ambiguity and ambivalence. See also isolation. —compartmentalizevb.

When applied to daily life,.... If you are ignoring your spouse because you want to keep playing video games instead of taking the children to soccer practice, that might not be good. There are many times when we can see it as a poor adaptive skill. However, sometimes it might come in handy, like when you come upon a car accident and they need help, you might set aside your fear, worry, sadness, distress related to seeing the event, and render help. Other times may be when your pet jumps on you and scratches you, but you remain calm and continuing with training them, because you want them to gain the skill you're trying to teach. We can say the same for remaining calm when parenting, setting aside your own hurt or anger when your teenager rolls their eyes to you and continues to be noncompliant. Employees compartmentalize every day by setting aside their concerns, thoughts, and emotions related to their home life and concentrate on work. The reverse is true too. What is important is that the person is grounded in reality, has a sense of awareness, and can move between the two realities. Dissociation is not conscious, and this is when it is concerning. More about dissociation in another blog. If you are one who compartmentalizes or know someone who does, make sure their compartmentalizing benefits themselves or others and not merely an escape from a difficult situation.

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