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Got Grit?

Updated: Jan 12, 2023

Grit is a personality trait that is defined as perseverance and passion for long-term goals. Researchers have found that grit is a strong predictor of success in many different domains, including education, business, and sports.

One of the most well-known studies on grit was conducted by Angela Duckworth, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania. In this study, Duckworth found that grit was a better predictor of success in college than measures of intelligence or talent. This means that the most intelligent people in the world are not the most successful. This is a fallacy for academia. Other research has also found that grit is associated with higher levels of academic achievement, as well as better performance in the military and in the workplace.

Other research on grit has examined the role of upbringing and environment in the development of grit. Some studies have found that individuals who grow up in challenging environments, such as poverty or difficult family circumstances, may be more likely to develop grit as a coping mechanism. Additionally, research has shown that individuals who have supportive and encouraging parents and mentors are more likely to develop grit. Grit in part comes from the environment and guidance. Most likely ones. upbringing involved times spent in struggles and over coming challenges in some way shape or form.

There is also some evidence that grit can be improved upon through training and practice. One study found that individuals who completed a grit training program showed significant increases in grit and other related traits, such as self-control and optimism. Overall, the research on grit suggests that it is a key factor in achieving long-term goals and success. It is an important trait to cultivate and develop in oneself, and it can be improved upon through training and support from others.

Grit is a personality trait that is defined as perseverance and passion for long-term goals. It is characterized by determination, hard work, and the ability to persevere in the face of challenges and setbacks. Grit involves a combination of sustained effort and determination to achieve a goal, as well as the ability to maintain focus and motivation over a long period of time. Grit is often contrasted with talent or intelligence, as it is not necessarily related to innate ability but rather to an individual's willingness to work hard and persevere in the pursuit of their goals.

There is evidence to suggest that grit may be partly inherited, as some studies have found that individuals with parents or siblings who are high in grit are more likely to be gritty themselves. However, there is also a strong environmental component to grit, and individuals can develop grit through their life experiences and the choices they make.Some research has found that individuals who grow up in challenging environments, such as poverty or difficult family circumstances, may be more likely to develop grit as a coping mechanism. Additionally, research has shown that individuals who have supportive and encouraging parents and mentors are more likely to develop grit. There is also evidence that grit can be improved upon through training and practice. One study found that individuals who completed a grit training program showed significant increases in grit and other related traits, such as self-control and optimism. This suggests that grit is not a fixed trait, but rather something that can be cultivated and developed over time.

Lisa Willmon LPC-S all rights reserved

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